Word for word

My’Kal Stromile

Street SceneS

Yshani Perinpanayagam & Ted Huffman - Académie de l'Opéra national de Paris


first episode on

Noir & Blanc exhibition

At the Grand Palais

The Last Call

Caroline Osmont in Marion Motin's creation

by Pina Bausch

by Jo Ann Endicott - Opéra de Paris


Octave Magazine

Les merveilles de Ouzbékistan

Les merveilles de Ouzbékistan

Charlotte Abramow with the Pionnières

RMN Pionnières

They commit to Mentoring

Alice Renavand - Transmitting the dream

Octave Magazine

The Coronation of Spring

Octave Magazine

Anselm Kiefer - For Paul Celan

December 16, 2021 to January 11, 2022
Grand Palais Éphémère

Sharon Eyal - An afternoon of wildlife

Octave Magazine

Pierre Lacotte - The red and the black

Octave Magazine

Projet Banlieues

BNP Paribas fundation

Napoleon Exhibition

at La Grande Halle De La Villette

A season at the Academy 2

Sue-Anne Lee

Music at the heart of theatre

Interview with the director Jeanne Candel

Setting Le Soulier de Satin to music

Interview with the composer Marc-André Dalbavie

The puppets of Aida

Interview with Lotte de Beer and Mervyn Millar

A season at the Academy

Sue-Anne Lee


One year of french cinema worldwide

"Protége ton soignant" Bastille Opera

The soul of Manon

Exhibition Le Corps et l'Ame

at the musée du Louvre

From one Étoile to another


A Two-Sided Mirror

Le Grand Palais on Youtube


at the Grand palais

Win Wenders

The Turtle

French Cinema Confidential 2019

Happy New Year 2019 !

Michael Jackson

at the Grand Palais

Artistes & Robots

to Juliette Binoche

French Actors’ Touch
Season 2

French Cinema Confidential

Happy New Year 2018 !

Happy New Year

UniFrance 2018

Irving Penn

the exhibition !

French Directors’ Touch

My French Film
Festival 2017

Opening Light Music

Mexico (1900-1950)

at the Grand Palais

Born on the 12th of July

Football in the Movies

Cinema, set
& match

10 years of Cinema
for All

Inna Modja

live at the Grand Palais

Seydou Keïta

at the Grand Palais

to Isabelle Huppert

My French Film Festival 2016

the French Touch

Happy New Year

Unifrance 2016

The Breasts of Tiresias

CNC 55 years in advance

Lumière !

at the Grand Palais

My French Film
Festival 2015

Niki de Saint Phalle

at the Grand Palais

65 reasons
to love French cinema